President’s Conference Room – Dossett Hall  

主治医师:Scott Champney, 可胡佛, 保罗Trogen, 塞西莉亚麦金托什, 韦斯利·布朗, 茉莉花。雷纳, 玛莎指针, 蒂芙尼休斯顿, 杰夫Powers-Beck, 罗伯特·索耶, 华莱士·迪克森, 玛丽·艾伦, 海琳Halvorson, 马克·埃利斯, 唐马斯, 和布朗女王

  1. Approval of November Minutes – November 28, 2005 minutes were approved with no corrections.
  1. 课程委员会-博士. 玛莎·波因特——没有行动
  1. Graduate Faculty Sub-Committee

I. New Applicants for Graduate Faculty Status

Name Current Recommended Remarks

蒂姆·E. 奥尔德里奇温度满


Wesley Buerkle New Associate

Olga Cabello New Full

Wafaa Fawzy新助理


Janet “Michelle” Gurley New Interim

Kevin Shane Keene New Interim

Dhirendra Kumar Temp Full

Shawna Lichtenwalner New Associate



Douglas Masini New Associate

Christine Newell New Associate


Edward Pomerantz Temp Interim

Donald Samples New Associate


Phyllis Thompson New Associate


Action Taken by Council: Approved

II. Re-applications for Graduate Faculty Status

Name Current Recommended Remarks

Gordon Bailes Full Associate


Cecil Blankenship Full Associate

Ute Breese Interim临时




小查尔斯·冈特. 临时过渡


Frances Jackson Temp Interim

John Kalbfleisch,满满


Michael Marchioni Full Associate

Daryl Stephens Temp Associate



Ugur Yavas满了

Action Taken by Council: Approved with exception – delete Olga Cabello from reapplication since listed on the new applicants.

  1. 旧的业务
    1. Suggested Guidelines for Outstanding Thesis, Dissertation, and Capstone Project nominees – Dr. 塞西莉亚麦金托什:
    2. As suggested a modification of #3 was incorporated in guidelines as “clearly defined goals.” Grammatical changes of items 1, 2, and 3 were discussed. Dr. 麦金托什 suggested these were guidelines for the selection committee and should not be distributed to students.
  1. 新业务
  1. Report on students selected for Graduate Council and Grad School Student Research Grant Program – Dr. 塞西莉亚麦金托什:

The Graduate Students Research Grant Awardees for 2006 report was made by Dr. 麦金托什. Those students selected and the selection members who served were distributed to the council members. The selection process of students was discussed. Twenty applications were received and ten graduate students were selected by the committee. The students selected have received their award money in the amount of $500 each and a press release was issued on Friday. The names of recipients and their thesis or dissertation research are as follows:

    1. 丹尼尔·巴纳德. S. 生物学”Antiboitic Resistance in Staphylococcus
    2. 达里尔·M·卡特.A. History “Life and 公共 Career of Robert Francis Kennedy”
    3. 塔贝瑟·加曼. A. History “Religious Tolerance in the New World – the Flushing Remonstrance”
    4. 霍尔,金伯利·M. S. Environmental Health Sciences “Observational Survey of Toxoplasma godii in the Sinking Creek Watershed using PCR Amplification”
    5. Magness, Melissa DSN(Doctor Science, Nursing) “Self-Management of Two Diabetes in Appalachian Women”
    6. Manning, Josh MFA Ceramics “Utilizing Technologies”
    7. 梅,约翰·E. MFA Photography “Small Family Owned Tobacco Farms – Adapting to the Changing Future”
    8. 萨马拉·米勒著.S. 生物学”The Effects of Rain on Extinction of the Tim-Memory of the Honey Bee”
    9. 蒂莫西·Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences “Characterization of Heparin Binding Motifs of the EcCD22 Protein”
    10. Vanover, Jennifer Ph ..D. Biomedical Sciences “Induction of Chlamydial Persistence by HSV2 Co-Infection”
  1. Volunteers to chair the Outstanding Thesis, Dissertation, and Capstone Project awards for 2006 – Dr. 塞西莉亚麦金托什:

Dr. 麦金托什 made an appeal for volunteers from the Graduate Council to chair the selection committees. Those council members present were asked to consider chairing a selection committee. The deadline to receive applications is March 15, 2006 and the selection process should take from two to four weeks.

  1. Report on doctoral programs and Low program reviews:

Dr. Brown gave a detailed report on doctoral programs and the recent rating from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. ETSU received a rating based on Ph.D. awarded in 2003-04 and there were none. Since the rating (last five years), ETSU has approved seven doctoral programs. The choices from the report were as follows:

The rating next time should be 博士专业 based on ETSU total inventory of programs. The snapshot of the Carnegie Foundation is as follows:


水平: 4年

控制: 公共

总人数: 11, 869


Undergraduate Bal/HGC: balanced arts & 科学/职业,

Instructional 程序: high graduate coexistence


程序: 5-Doc/Ed: Single doctoral (education)

招生简介: HU:高中本科

大学简介: FT4/S/HTI: Full-time four-year, selective, higher


Size and Setting: L4/NR: Large four-year, primarily nonresidential


Graduate degree program classification is based on fewer than 50 degrees;

分类 may be unstable.

Undergraduate program classification: the percentage of majors is within 5 percentage points of a category border (professions direction).

Undergraduate program classification: the graduate coexistence measure is within 5 percentage points of the category with lower coexistence.

  1. Other – Graduate School new business:

公告-博士. 唐马斯 stated the Nursing RODP program has been approved and accredited.

Dr. Powers-Beck announced the deadline for the James H. Quillen Scholarship has been extended to March 15, 2006.

  1. 延期:

The meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m. 斯科特·钱普尼,主席